K1 Christmas

Kathleen Aerts, formerly of K3, turns “Somethin’ Stupid” into a Christmas song, of sorts.

K3 fan Theo Hendriks, pictured here, wrote and said that Kathleen is his favorite. Kathleen’s replacement, Josje, is on the left. It’s good to see Kristel Verbeke and Karen Damen looking bright and happy again, because they were so miserable at Kathleen’s farewell performance.

For myself, I’m miffed that Kathleen left the group, but I feel that Kristel and Karen are so strong together they could have carried on just fine as K2. That doesn’t mean Kathleen was any less essential to the success of K3, but it seemed to me that she got tired of the ride. So when she quit the group I was disappointed, but not surprised.

Follow-up: Theo sent another picture of himself, with Kristel. It’s at this link.

While I was away…

I should take more time off from the blog. October has been the third busiest month this year for hits!

While I was away, to my utter amazement, lo and behold, those kooky ladies from Belgium, K3, finally went to #1 on the blog hit list! I suppose that must be due to the interest in the new girl, who was introduced at a live show in Holland a few weeks ago. Her name is Josje, which begs the question, how can they still call the group K3?


(BTW… Karen Damen is pregnant.)

The Essential K3

I am happy to report that I am no longer the best place on the Net to see the Belgian girl group K3. This is.

K3 1024x768 wallpaper

At last, Studio 100 has given K3 a proper virtual venue. When Karen Damen’s channel on YouTube disappeared I figured that would be it for online videos, but how good it is to be wrong.

Over six months ago, I wrote sort of an open letter to Studio 100…

I’m the lone voice in America pushing K3. To increase interest in your own posted videos, get high quality versions of “Kusjesdag”, “Hart Verloren”, “Tele Romeo” and “Verliefd” in stereo on YouTube. I’d love to link to those. “I Love You, Baby” too, because it has some English. Think about it. Please. The songs are wonderful, but it’s not just the format that makes it all work, it’s Karen, Kristel and Kathleen, one of the best pop music trios I have ever enjoyed.

Later I added “A Trip to Mars” to that list. Here are direct links to all of those videos, available at last in high quality transfers that hold up to being displayed full screen, and they’re in stereo.

Great job, Studio 100. I don’t even mind that you’ve prevented embedding and downloading. Kudos and thanks.

[flv:http://s3.amazonaws.com/dogratcom/Video/K3/NewK3Girl.flv 480 270]

K3 Kaput

And so it’s farewell. Sunday in Rotterdam, Holland, Kathleen Aerts appeared with Karen Damen and Kristel Verbeke for the last time. K3 — in my opinion one of the very best Pop music girl groups ever assembled — is no more.

Watching the video, to me it appears the farewell performance had little energy and excitement. A replacement for Kathleen will soon be selected, but K3 won’t be the same. I had the same feeling when David Duchovney left “The X-Files.”

More videos from last weekend’s Summer Festival have appeared.

‘Verliefd’ with K3

My not-so-secret shame, the Flemish girl group K3, will soon be gone, with the departure of Kathleen Aerts. The signs have been there for a while. Videos began to disappear from YouTube, including this one, which happens to be one of their very best.

[audio:https://s3.amazonaws.com/dogratcom/Audio/K3/Verliefd.mp3|titles=Verliefd (In Love) by K3]

‘Verliefd’ (“In Love”) is Karen Damen’s favorite K3 song, and it’s the second song by the girls that I heard back in June. The harmony that kicks in at :40 totally knocked me out and I was sold on K3. Here there be Pop music magic.
