As you perhaps know, on January 7 The Colbert Report will be back, as will The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, whether or not the writer’s strike has been resolved. In the meantime, to help you get your Colbert fix, here’s his appearance on Larry King Live, the least prepared interviewer in the business, from a couple of months back. It’s much better than I expected.
[flv:/Video/DEC07/ColbertOnLarryKing.flv 400 300]
Category: Politics, Religion & Money
A Spanking for Spangler
Spangler Candy Company of Bryan, Ohio has been in business for just over 100 years. The company makes Dum-Dums and, for this time of year, candy canes. Carol bought a box of a dozen tall Spangler candy canes to hang on the tree. I love the clean, classic, old-fashioned packaging, but when I looked it over I saw the words, “Made in Mexico” (click picture to enlarge). Well, that’s disappointing, although I have to admit the box cost only $1, and online you can order a box of 500 little ones for only $15.76. But with Hershey’s now manufacturing in Mexico, I was hoping a nice family company like Spangler could have held out and kept production in the United States.
Boston Common For Non-Commoners
I don’t subscribe to Boston Common magazine, but it comes in the mail anyway. I think I’m on the mailing list because of my American Express Gold Card.
The magazine is named after a park in Boston, and it’s intended for the young, beautiful, fashionable and rich of greater Boston, although the old, fashionable and rich are also featured prominently. I’m flipping through it now, and I see an ad for Stella Artois lager beer, recently featured here on There’s also a must-see ad for clothier Blue Fly. My son is almost sixteen, so I see no harm in letting this one through. Click to enlarge. I can’t find this picture at Blue Fly online, but it’s in Boston Common magazine.
Oh, the expansive and expensive suburban homes! The in-town luxury condos! The cars and the fashions and the restaurants, and Harvard, and everything else that goes with being so fabulously well off. I refer you to the video in a previous post about Hyannis Homeys. How many people truly can afford to live this way? The Natick Mall, west of Boston, is now called The Natick Collection, and I’m curious to know how well Neiman-Marcus and Nordstrums, and Tiffany’s, and the new condos catering to the customers of those stores, will do.
Doomy and Gloomy!
I may be as downbeat about Wall Street and the mortgage crisis as anybody else with a BA in Economics, but Steve Fraser has an editorial in the L.A. Times that’s downright depressing! If that link doesn’t work, click here.
Keep Thinking, “January 20 2009”
Nobody’s listening, George… give it up.
President Bush, trying to keep pressure on Iran, called on Tehran Wednesday to “come clean” about the scope of its nuclear activities or else face diplomatic isolation.
“Look, Iraq Iran is dangerous”
Bush isn’t even the boy who cried wolf, because unlike the children’s story it turns out there’s no wolf.
Bush said the new conclusion — contradicting earlier U.S. assessments — would not prompt him to take off the table the possibility of pre-emptive military action against Iran.
“Look, Iran was dangerous, Iran is dangerous and Iran will be dangerous if they have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”
Bush was wrong about stem cells, tax cuts for the rich, Iraq, Terry Schiavo, and Social Security. So I’m sure as heck not going to start thinking he’s got it right this time.