Ding, dong, the Bush gone… well, almost. Not been posting much. Sorry! We went out to eat two nights in a row, but not tonight, because it snowed today. Still working on Eric’s computer.

To gain control over the failed drive I put it in an external PATA-to-USB case I saved after the 80 GB drive in it failed, not too long after I copied everything on it to a 160 GB USB drive, that has already been replaced with a 500 GB drive. I ran CHKDSK on the drive and it fixed a bunch of index errors. Then booting into safe mode I took ownership of all the folders of interest and I got everything worth getting off it, but I’ll still probably junk the drive, because it’s five years old. I’ll make the 2-year-old 200 GB D: drive the primary and install XP on that.

USB Drives


It’s always something. Got home late tonight, after what I admit was a fairly successful sojourn of Christmas shopping. Carol reported that the light under the over-stove microwave oven was out. So I got a Phillips head screwdriver and removed the cover.

Both bulbs were out, which seemed a little strange. The bulb on the right came out easily, but when I tried to unscrew the bulb on the left it looked like this.

Kenmore/Whirlpool over stove microwave oven

So… not knowing which circuit breaker the microwave is on, because most of the breakers aren’t labeled, I took a pair of insulated needle nose pliers and deliberately shorted out the socket. There was a little explosion, and knowing the bulb’s current comes straight from the 120V outlet, I could assume that the circuit breaker would pop with no damage likely to the microwave oven.

With the power off, I was able to get the screw cap out of the socket with the pliers. Then I took the other bulb, intact but burned out, to Lowe’s — a five mile drive — checked the wattage (40), and bought a couple of replacements.

Got back home, installed the bulbs, and screwed the glass cover back in place. I went downstairs, reset the circuit breaker, went back upstairs, turned on the lights and — voila! — problem fixed. And after all of that I didn’t feel like writing about anything else.

Embedding down with Hulu

Some people — those younger than I — really, really keep up with what’s going on. I sort of keep up. For example, I don’t know how big an audience Hulu has, but every time I see it I’m impressed by how much video is there, although some of it — hot, current stuff like Battlestar Galactica — has an expiration date.

The first thing I watched on Hulu was Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, after it jumped over there from iTunes. It was created by the slightly horrible and very fannish Joss Whedon, who previously had done the short-lived sci-fi series Firefly. You’ll find Firefly on Hulu, including this episode that features actress Christina Hendricks, now famous as Joan in the AMC series Mad Men. Rated TV-14