The Wonder Years — Not

Do we really need yet another British murder mystery? Yes, if it’s Adolescence.

The Netflix mini-series is both compelling and confounding. Is Adolescence a police procedural? A serious sociological and psychological study? A reality show? A soap opera? Yes to all.

Something quite remarkable is that each of the four episodes was recorded in one continuous take. If there are any cuts at all, they were very deftly hidden.

This isn’t a gimmick. Once you start watching, the seamless flow of motion makes the verisimilitude* all the more effective, and the acting all the more impressive.

The logistical planning, coordination and practice must have been daunting. The second episode is a tour de force of what I suppose can be called “synchronized cinematography.”

* Sorry about that. It won’t happen again, and I promise to never use any form of “juxtapose.” 😉

Feeling Toasty

My buddy Bismo was Elwood in his Blue Brothers tribute act, B-Movie Blues.

Elwood’s favorite dining delicacy was dry white toast.

I became a fan of dry white toast while undergoing cancer treatments last summer, when this Pratt was put on a BRAT diet of bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Since then I have been buying these $1.99 loaves of white bread that toast up perfectly.