
I’ve been working on several projects, mostly the techie type. Have a couple of posts in the works that require some extra thought in expressing the points I want to make. I’ll be back when the first one is done, or if I happen to have something quick and easy to put here.

Oh! Here’s something. It’s been missing in the notices about Henry Kissinger’s death.

Empathy with Mimi for 11/22/63

Mimi Beardsley
Mimi Alford, née Beardsley

Then, at two o’clock P.M., another bulletin, this one official: The President was dead… My head was flooded with images of the President the last time I saw him, just seven days earlier, in the Carlyle. He had hugged me and said he’d call me when he got back from Texas… What sent me over the edge was the image of Dave Powers with his hand on the casket, standing in front of it as if he were guarding the President, then lifting it with other aides into the waiting Navy ambulance… My tears turned into violent, racking sobs…

– Intimate JFK friend Mimi Beardsley

Tapped Out

I’ll get a jump on next year’s 40th(!) anniversary of one of my two favorite comedy movies, This is Spinal Tap.

My other favorite laugh-filled movie is Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which is scheduled for limited release in theaters only on December 3. Wait, no. It will be shown again on December 6. But that will be the absolute last time. Never again to be repeated, not ever!

Roming Charges

SNL has this funny bit, picking up on the factoid that many men supposedly think about Ancient Rome several times each day. Something I don’t want to think about it how many times MAGA men think about Nazi Germany every day!

Speaking for myself, I never give a single thought to Ancient Rome…

… and there is no indication whatsoever of my having even a subconscious interest in Ancient Rome.