Bingo rhymes with Ringo

As promised last week, here is Terry Hooper, the future husband of Prudence Bury, as the croupier in A Hard Day’s Night. When I was a kid I thought Wilfrid Brambell was an unnecessary extra bit of comic relief, but now I think he was essential to the overall success of the movie.

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Mambo Jambo

Go back to the very funny Men in Coats video I posted and watch the first three minutes. It’s Mambo music from Cuba. The first tune is “Mambo Jambo,” and here’s a recording of it by Prado Perez, from 1959, the year Castro took over.


Great stuff! OK, now go back to the K3 New Year video and listen from 0:08 to 0:20. It’s some of the same music used by Men in Coats. See? I said you’d heard it before.

Mambo was big in the late 40’s into the 50’s, and one of its biggest names was this guy, whose studio later gave the green light to Star Trek.


LeVeille Wants Off The Night Shift

There’s a brief interview with Boston radio personality Steve LeVeille in today’s Boston Herald:

“This is the nature of the business,” said LeVeille, noting that there’s been a lot of layoffs at CBS over the last year-and-a-half. “It wasn’t any big surprise.”

As for his next gig, LeVeille told MediaBiz he’d like to host a morning show in Boston and he plans to hire an agent.

Another version is on this page, that can also be found on Steve’s website.

He doesn’t want his old job back? LeVeille wants a morning gig. I’ll take him at his word and assume he’s not just being a nice guy.

Kristel Meth

Isn’t this demonstration by K3 more for the dads in their TV audience? The kids don’t look very interested, but Pirate Pete sure seems happy. Maybe K3 should go back on Robert Jensen’s show. The dirty Dutchie would love to see Kathleen, Kristel and Karen do some more of this.

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Steve LeVeille, one of America’s unemployed

There’s a “Bring Back Steve LeVeille” campaign. Link here. Also, a small but significant change has been made to Steve LeVeille’s homepage.

Steve LeVeille

I was talking to my buddy SamJay, another former radio biz guy like myself, and I mentioned that if Steve were back on WBZ, but his start time was moved down to 1 AM, I’d have a hard time catching him, because I listened during his first hour, before going to bed. Sam pointed out that Overnight America starts at 1 AM because it’s midnight in St. Louis, so WBZ cuts the last hour for its morning drive slot. Which means that even if Jon Grayson somehow gets Boston fans, they’ll be ticked off because they can’t listen to the whole program. SamJay says the only explanation is CBS wants to ditch WBZ AM 1030, and maybe all of the stations that are carrying Overnight America, so nobody there cares, and I think he’s right.