WBoZo 1030 AM Boston’s dumb idea

I predict that WBZ radio’s wrong-headed decision to replace overnight personality Steve LeVeille with a syndicated program originating in St. Louis will be a total failure. Here’s an audio clip of Jordan Rich introducing Jon Grayson, host of Overnight America, with a real party line of BS.


It’s telling that Grayson is on the other end of a regular phone line, and not coming over a high quality link. Nothing against Grayson personally, because I’ve never heard of him before, but I have no interest in listening to his show.

Maybe Steve LeVeille will issue a statement on his website. Wherever he goes, I’ll follow.

Marianne Pasts in the present

Carol and I were at a post-New Years dinner party tonight, hosted by some friends. One of the guests is a Boston-based singer-songwriter named Marianne Pasts.

Marianne Pasts

She wasn’t there as a performer, but perform she did. The quality of Marianne’s voice is extraordinary, and she has to be heard live to fully appreciate it. Here is her song “The River.”


Is Astrid in AHDN?

It’s long been the assertion of D.F. Rogers that Astrid Kirchherr makes a brief appearance in A Hard Day’s Night with John Lennon during the discotheque scene. I’ve spliced it together, omitting the parallel sequence with Paul’s grandfather gambling, in a James Bond parody, with Prue Bury’s future husband, Terry Hooper, playing the croupier. I’ll post that later.
[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2009/JAN/Astrid.flv 480 360]


We just got back from my sister’s house (not Jean, but the local sister) and I’ve got to get some wallpaper stripping done quick so our contractor can resize a closet door frame in the morning. So I’ll do something quick here and post an uncropped copy of Astrid’s famous self-portrait, showing the mirror frame.

Astrid Kirschherr