Doggone Biographers

If you haven’t read Monte Schulz’s comment on Mr. Media‘s audio interview with David Michaelis, and how the book came to be written, click here. This Peanuts cartoon seems somewhat apropos. Note that the word balloon in the first panel is not touching the top border. I’m sure you must know why!

Linus and Snoopy

Cartoonist and Charles Schulz admirer Jimmy Johnson seems to have started his commentary on the Michaelis biography of Schulz. I’ve figured out how to link directly to Jimmy’s posts, so click here for the first one, and here for his second. At the moment it appears Jimmy has a missing image at that link. In reference to his former wife Rheta’s authorized biography of Sparky Schulz, Jimmy says, “As I indicated in an earlier post, I was not just a bystander to all this.” I’m looking forward to what he has to say.

Big Apple Con — Soupy Sales

Along with Morty Gunty and Chuck McCann, a favorite NY TV host of mine when I was a kid was Soupy Sales. Soupy was at the Big Apple Con, and sadly he’s obviously not the man he was. Although Soupy can no longer speak, he understands everything and he still communicates very well. I was happy to be able to express my appreciation. Here’s a picture of my buddy Dennis with Soupy.

Dennis Rogers with Soupy Sales

I’ve customized a YouTube player with a more-or-less complete show from 1965, at the peak of his run in New York. God Bless You, Soupy Sales!


PETition Reminder!

Hey, all of you British natives, nationals, and residents! Richard Harries has written to remind me, to remind you, to please sign the PETition to have Petula Clark promoted from MBE to full-fledged Dame! I will be very petulant if there aren’t at least 1000 signatories on the form before the March 12 deadline. I may have a Brit name, but I’m a Yank, so I can’t sign, but as Rich points out, “US citizens (and other non Brits ) can sign if they have a UK address. Sheila Ferguson of the Three Degrees signed on that basis!” So there you have it.

Go to THIS LINK NOW and add your name to those who have already signed. In thanks for your participation in this worthy cause, here is a very special and personal song by Pet.

[flv:/Video/NOV07/PetLive.flv 400 300]

Bob Andelman, Mr. Media

Bob Andelman, aka Mr. Media, makes a comment on one of my posts about Monte Schulz, at this link. Andelman has posted an audio interview with David Michaelis, the author of the controversial book Schulz and Peanuts.

I’m going to do something I don’t normally do, and that’s hotlink to Mr. Andelman’s MP3 file. I think he should give streaming audio a try, and this is my way of nudging him in that direction. I would also suggest editing the properties of the MP3 files to include an artist and title, so the player could display something like “Mr. Media” and “David Michaelis Interview.” First, the David Michaelis interview


I recommend listening to what Michaelis has to say, but as I’ve said before, while reading the book I’ve come around to an understanding what Monte and his sisters Amy and Jill are getting at in their criticism of Michaelis’ analysis of Charles M. Schulz as a man and as a father.

I’m very pleased to see that Andelman has also posted an interview with none other than Joe Sinnott, who I saw in New York a week ago. Thanks very much for this, Bob!
