Meet Prudence Bury!

Thank you so much to a comment writer named Janis [Lia Pamina’s old online handle], for identifying the extraordinarily beautiful young woman who was with Pattie Boyd on the train with the Beatles in A Hard Day’s Night! She’s Prudence Bury-Fuchs, and here she is today, still very lovely.

Prudence Bury-Fuchs
Prudence Bury-Fuchs

That photo is from a French article, and if you click here you can read a Google translation of it. Here’s something in English, about a fund-raiser that Prue organized.

This is great! I’ve wondered for decades about the mystery girl on the train with Les Beatles, and now I know. Thanks again, Janis!

Jo Stafford Was A Lady

Fool that I am, I missed Jo Stafford in the 1943 movie “Dubarry Was A Lady,” shown recently on Turner Classic Movies. Somebody has posted a clip from it, but the quality is only so-so, especially the sound synch. Now that YouTube has blessed us with working playlists again, you’ll find Dubarry after Jo’s appearance on “What’s My Line” from October 14, 1956.

The Buzz on Mitch Miller

An audio magazine I used to get, back when audio magazines existed, had a memorably succinct review of a CD release of a Mitch Miller Christmas Album — “Welcome to Hell.” Jonathan and Darlene Edwards paid tribute to the unforgettable music of Mitch Miller, as only they could, in “Baby Bumble Bee.”


Darlene’s friend, the late Jo Stafford, can be seen with Frank Sinatra in this old film clip, performing “I’ll Never Smile Again,” a song I featured at this link.
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