Color in Black

I mentioned the late British director Michael Powell again in a recent post.  Now I see another blogger has posted several items about Black Narcissus.

This inspired me to transfer two scenes from the movie and splice them together.  For myself, what makes Black Narcissus great is the always excellent Deborah Kerr and the absolutely breathtaking performance by Kathleen Byron.  A case can be made for this cat fight being melodramatic and over-the-top, but for me it’s mesmerizing.

[flv: 320 240]

DogRat & RatDog

Click to enlarge Click the picture to see an ad currently running in the local daily paper. I don’t know why Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead chose the name RatDog for his band, but the domain name was registered six months before I bought in January, 2000. Some months after doing that, I received e-mail from a public relations firm in NYC asking to buy the name. I replied and said name a price, but I never heard back. Whether or not they may have been representing RatDog, I assume a certain percentage of hits my home page receives are from stoned Dead Heads who got it backwards.

I Shot the Screen

Here’s another boring screen shot of a technical-related thing.  Sorry!  Will get back to fun stuff in the next post.

If you don’t know what the “Feeds” on the right do, this is how they appear in my Yahoo! home page.  I’m extremely sensitive to how daunting all of this new technology is to the vast majority of people, but to me it is neat, although frequently as frustrating as it is to anybody else.